Who we are

Our Vision

Professionally managed development institutions and actions.

“DMI envisions itself as a leading institution in the field of development management, recognized for its academic rigor, practical approach, and contribution to societal transformation.”

Our Mission

"To support and facilitate development programs and activities to contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of public service delivery, improving the quality of life in rural and urban areas, and fostering sustainable development.”

Our Values 

1. Excellence – Striving for Highest Standards
2. Integrity – Ethical and Transparent Practices
3. Innovation – Adapting and Evolving - Fostering a dynamic and forward-thinking approach to development challenges
4. Inclusive – Diversity and Equal Opportunities
5. Empowerment – Building Capacity and Leadership
6. Sustainability - Encouraging practices that support long-term ecological balance and social well-being.

Our Approach 

1. Collaboration – Teamwork and Partnerships

2. Client–Centric Approach- Meeting and Exceeding Client Expectations

3. Human Resources Management 

4. Specialized and tailor-made Services 

5. Practical Exposure and Fieldwork

6. Research and Knowledge Management

7. Climate  Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management. 

8. Alumni Network and Career Opportunities

9. Professional competencies

10. Holistic Sustainable Development Approach

11. Development Sector Expertise

About Us

DMI is a development consultancy that delivers exceptional professional services to a wide range of various agencies. Our commitment to cultivating expertise, improving service quality, and driving strategic initiatives enables us to provide tailored solutions that cater to agencies' unique needs.

DMI Pvt. Ltd., Development Management Institute, Private Limited, based in Kathmandu, was established in 2003 under the Company Act of Nepal to facilitate the management development of all programs and activities of public and private institutions. Since then, it has been actively working for private, and public institutions including NGOs in research & studies, training & workshops, project planning, monitoring & evaluation, and policy formulation to enhance their governance system and managerial capabilities. It has carried out both quantitative surveys as well as qualitative studies and supported the formulation of projects. It has also been providing program implementation support for various projects and programs. It has provided services in all geographical regions of the country to all kinds of people irrespective of gender, ethnicity, and caste. DMI has a team of more than 100 full-time and part-time professionals committed and experienced professionals in several fields, who can bring together diverse talents, technologies, and management tools to render their services as full-time/part-time resource persons. All these functions are being delivered through appropriate modalities and approaches following standard practices. DMI strives to build the management framework, structure, process, system, corporate culture, and social values. Moreover, DMI helps empower the human resources working in the organization by enhancing their management skills and decision-making capacity. DMI carries out various research and study, policy formulation support, seminars, workshops, training, and brainstorming sessions on the contemporary thematic areas of the development field and holds policy dialogues with the government and non-government agencies.